Driving is an integral piece of independence for many people. With our driving evaluation, we work closely to support our client’s driving goals. The evaluation is done by our skilled occupational or physical therapists and overseen by our medical director and clinical director.
Each driving assessment includes a comprehensive evaluation going over medical physical, cognitive and visual capabilities to determine if you are safe to drive a motor vehicle. Finally, a written recommendation is put together to address any areas of concern.. At the end of the assessment you will receive these objective observations in a confidential report to discuss with your family or medical provider.
Review medical condition and status
Driving history and license, recommendations for updating license as necessary
Motor skills, strength, range of motion, sensation, coordination, balance, mobility status
Visual abilities and perception
Cognitive skills and knowledge of the rules of the road and proper judgment
Route planning and traffic safety
Adaptation, complex processing and managing situations
Assessment for fatigue and possible decline in medical status
Written report on recommendations
The evaluation is completed at the individual’s home or at the EverHome office.​
Once the evaluation is completed, the therapist will discuss the results of the evaluation and provide recommendations in a written report.
Please, give us a call for more information.

Increased nervousness when driving
Difficulty seeing road signs or pedestrians
Has frequent "fender benders" or "near-misses"
Experiences delays when changing lanes
Drives significantly slower than the speed limit
Q. Does EverHome automatically send the driver evaluation and written recommendations to the Department of Licensing (DOL)?
A. EverHome does not automatically send the driver evaluation and written recommendations to the DOL. The evaluation results and recommendations are provided to our clients and are considered confidential medical records.
Q. Can I use insurance to pay for the evaluation?
A. Unfortunately, insurance does not yet recognize the Off Road Driver Evaluation as a therapy service and therefore does not cover the cost. The cost of the program is billed at the same price per hour as traditional home health, physical therapy.
Q. If I pass my driver evaluation does this overturn my doctor’s recommendation that I stop driving?
A. You can bring the results of your evaluation to your doctor, and with this information you and your doctor can make an informed decision about your driving ability.