COVID-19 Response
As a healthcare organization, a pandemic like Covid-19 is something that we continue to adjust to as the disease progresses or changes.
We are, as with the rest of the world, watching the effects of Covid-19 and strategizing on the ways we may alleviate the strain on our clients. As a company that is doctor-owned and managed by nurses, we understand the unique call of healthcare providers to to be present. At EverHome, our mission has not changed. We will continue to provide medical support and care to our clients.
Our response to Covid has been guided by the expertise available to us through local healthcare organizations, the Washington State Department of Health and federal resources such as the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
To find out more about our specific policies regarding Covid, please continue reading.
Who is EverHome relying upon for information regarding Covid-19?
Our executive director, Peter Rigby, wrote an article to a cohort of several Home Care and Home Health agencies about the dissemination of information and unification among healthcare entities during this time. To read the full article, click here. We review the information provided by and as necessary communicate with the CDC, local and state health officials, as well as communicating with our broader network of healthcare professionals for guidance.
How is EverHome operating during the COVID pandemics and during subsequent upswings in the disease ?
As an essential business, we are operating at full capacity. Those who are working in the office are doing so by following the recommendations set in place by the CDC, WA State Department of Health and local health systems such as UW Medicine or Providence/Swedish for limiting the spread of infection. Current such measures include frequent handwashing and universal precautions. social distancing (only occupying spaces that are at least 6 ft or more away from others.), and twice daily sanitization of common use areas/personal spaces. In the field, we have enacted stringent screening and tracking measures, to monitor the state of our employees and where they have been. More on our in the field measures can be found below.
In addition, we have developed a program called Safe at Home to act as an alternative to skilled nursing facilities. This program is for patients who are discharging from the hospital but still require rehabilitative services and would like to avoid being in close proximity to other recovering individuals. If you are interested in the Safe at Home program, please read more on the Safe at Home page.
What steps is EverHome taking to ensure my loved one’s safety?
EverHome is taking the potential of infection of our clients and staff very seriously. Currently, we are acting as though everyone we interact with has been potentially exposed. We are doing daily monitoring of symptoms for all staff and clients before entering a home and beginning a visit/shift, followed by check-ins as needed with our clinical director, Peter Rigby PT,MPH or our medical director, Evan Cantini MD. If any of our staff members is exhibiting symptoms, they will be told to stay home and self-isolate until their symptoms have met the qualifications laid out by the CDC. Furthermore, if a client is exhibiting symptoms, the use of available personal protective equipment will be used and continual monitoring for severity of illness will be done. Caregivers and clinicians who work with clients who have tested positive for Covid will be followed closely for symptoms, and further conversations will be had with our clinical team.
Is EverHome actively accepting patients who have tested positive for Covid-19?
We understand that there will be patients discharging from the hospital, who have tested positive for Covid-19. These people may need follow up care upon returning home. We have the appropriate standards in place and ability to take on such clients. Clients who have tested positive for Covid will be taken on a case by case basis and will have strict interaction protocols in place. Protocols will include the daily monitoring of symptoms, scheduled sanitation of living conditions, as well as the proper use of available personal protective equipment.
We are with you. We are here. Together we can overcome.
The EverHome Management Team