Nurse Wellness Checks
Avoid going to the clinic and stay safe in the comfort of your own home. Our nurses follow Joint Commission guidelines, the same standards recognized by hospitals, and are highly experienced. Our nurses can coordinate with your existing medical team and send medical information to your doctor for review. To schedule a nursing well-check, call our office at 425.275.5858.
A nursing well-check typically lasts up to one hour and can involve the following:
INR draw and call into anti-coagulation clinic of physician
Screen for Covid-19 symptoms
Check Vital Signs: lung sounds, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate
Ensure you or your loved one has all necessary medications and are/is taking them.
Ensure your or your loved one has food and other necessities.
Chronic disease support.
Skin checks

We use RNs and LPNs
Follow Joint Commission Guidelines
Fingerprint Background Checked & Insured
Highly Experienced
>>> Diabetes Management
>>> Wound Care
>>> Trach Care