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How Brain Injuries Can Affect Daily Life

Every year in the United States, more than 2.87 million people suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Are you part of this group? Do you have a loved one who’s recovering from TBI? If so, it’s important to know what to expect moving forward.

Listed below are some ways that traumatic brain injuries can affect daily life, both for the victim of the injury and their families.

Physical Effects

TBI comes with a variety of physical changes. The following are some of the most common ones:

● Sleep disorders

● Becoming easily fatigued

● Changes in appetite

● Difficulty swallowing

● Chronic pain

● Seizures

● Difficulty regulating body temperature

In severe cases, TBI can also cause paralysis and other movement disorders.

Cognitive Effects

On the cognitive level, TBI can result in a variety of changes, including these:

● Difficulty concentrating

● Memory problems

● Slower processing speeds

● Confusion

● Impulsiveness

● Difficulty processing language

● Perseveration (abnormal, persistent repetition of words, gestures, or acts

The cognitive effects of TBI can cause speech and language challenges, too. For example, a person may experience difficulty speaking, understanding what others are saying, or comprehending materials after reading.

Sensory Effects

TBI affects the senses, too. For example, it can lead to changes in vision. Someone with a brain injury may have blurred vision or intolerance to light as well.

A decrease in or loss of hearing is a common side effect of TBI, too, as is ringing in the ears or increased sound sensitivity.

In some cases, the senses of smell and taste are also affected. A victim might develop anosmia (a loss or diminished sense of smell), or they may lose their sense of taste or notice that it’s not as strong as it once was.

Mood and Behavior Effects

It’s not uncommon for a TBI victim to develop mood swings, anger outbursts, easy frustration or depression. They may adopt dependent behaviors, a loss of motivation, or a lack of inhibition, too.

TBI victims also are not always aware of these changes. They might downplay them or deny them altogether.

Effects on Family Members

The effects of traumatic brain injuries are obviously very difficult for victims to overcome. However, they also affect family members and loved ones in a variety of ways.

Caring for someone with TBI, even a mild injury, is very stressful. It can lead to anxiety and feelings of overwhelm.

Caregivers might also develop depression or experience increased feelings of hopelessness. They may even become resentful of their loved one if they don’t have adequate time to rest and recharge after caring for them.

Benefits of Home Health Care for TBI Victims

To overcome the challenges of caring for a TBI victim, consider working with a home care professional.

Hiring a home care expert provides the victim with professional support, and it gives caregivers a chance to rest and recuperate. This, in turn, allows them to be better caregivers when they are on the clock.

Seek Support Today

Traumatic brain injuries can have a severe impact on the victim’s health and well-being. They can also alter the lives of the victim’s loved ones.

Keep this information in mind so you can be prepared and set yourself (or your loved one) up for a successful recovery.

If you’re interested in working with a home health care aid during recovery, contact us today to learn more about our services.

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